Runway Wind

Runway Wind
Improve your situational awareness with this small wind tool!
The Runway Wind app is a simple pilot tool to assess the wind components affecting the aircraft on takeoff and landing.

Use Runway Wind to assess the headwind, tailwind and crosswind components affecting you on takeoff and landing. Spin the arrows to align the runway and the wind, and use the slider to set the wind speed. Wind components for each runway is given in easily understandable terms.

Two icons indicate the wind: a wind sock and a wind chart symbol. These serve as a reference to avoid mistakes and confusion when reading wind charts and when observing the wind sock at the airfield.

Runway Wind is available on the Apple App Store for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.
On iPhone/iPad: spin the wind direction and runway to align with your situation. Use the slider and stepper at the top to adjust the wind speed.
On Apple Watch: tap the wind direction or wind speed and use the crown to adjust.
CAUTION: Runway Wind is for reference and educational purposes only. Always make your own judgement – other factors than the wind may play a role. The results of Runway Wind are only as accurate as the data you input.